Proposal for merging BlockAlerts back with Lunos

Dear fellow DAO members,

I’m proposing for merging BlockAlerts back with our newly soon-to-be-launched Lunos.

I personally see alot more possibilities and potential with those two products back together as one. Marketing (and offering) a whole security package as one would gave us alot more benefits as those two being separated.
As recent example is the ByBit hack, $Uno gain little to no recognition, despite BlockAlerts falling into this narrative.
I also believe we would gain new clients (institutional and retail) easier if we offer those two as one product. Lack of new clients was one of the Uno’s main problems.
I think Lunos is in position where we need to do everything possible to gain back confidence and trust from outside world and investors.

Let’s make Lunos a whole Web3 security package again.

Best regards,


Hi Marko, we can certainly consider that. I’ll start the discussion in the team and let’s come back to that next week once the rebrand madness is over.

It’s great you are willing to consider it.
Like I said, I see alot of sense doing it, from bussiness, marketing, etc POV.

Let us know what the team think of it.

Best regards