First step change the website looks, no gaming character with clean looks and faster loading website!

to be honest, we can see and learn from other successful project, their website looks so professional, clean and easy to access.
this things really matter infront of big institute , whales, even retail etc.
how can we attract big buyer into insurance website but looks like gaming crypto.
thats really unrelated for this project!

it’s from my true story , at the past i try to persuade some of my friend to take look on this project but when they just click website they are confuse with the website looks seem unrelated to “Re-insurance” project type! seem 99% is looks like gaming project.

First, i want say sorry for the graphic designer don’t mean to hurting your works, but we really need to change this, try a clean, simple and professional looks website.

Thank you,

Wish all of you healthy and Good Day!

I personally, like the Greek God concept, as it sets Uno Re apart from conventional insurance providers while adding a web3 flair. I understand that there are differing opinions, and it’s worth noting that our CEO is closely monitoring this aspect.

We can discuss this with the community to understand more which approach would be better.

Thank you for sharing your feedback.