Community Development Proposal: Dune Dashboard Compensation

Title: Community Development Proposal

Scope: Dune Dashboard Compensation

Authors: Jas Singh, Sujith Sizon, Vithuran K.

Reward: $3500 USDT

Summary :

As UIP-1 has passed, a budget of $3500 USDT is allocated towards creating an UNO Dune Dashboard. The purpose of the Dune Dashboard is to dynamicaly display current circulating supply, amount of tokens staked, and monthly emission rates, Sales & BD statistics, any many more metrics discussed below. This will enhance UNOs transparency as it transitions to a DAO. The community developers or team of developers will be compensated $3500 USDT for their contribution to the UnoRe community.

Section 1: Tokenomics

The first section of the dashboard will require about $UNO as per the following:

  1. Number of unique wallets holding $UNO tokens
  2. Number of unique wallets holding more than $100 worth of $UNO
  3. A leader board chart of top 20 wallets holding $UNO tokens (excluding team wallets)
  4. Identify and label team and DAO wallets and how many $UNO they hold
  5. $UNO historical price charts, marketcap, FDV, current circulating supply values
  6. Number of unique wallets holding $veUNO
  7. A leader board chart for top 20 wallets holding $veUNO (Governance Whales)
  8. Average governance lockup
  9. Average lockup time
  10. $veUNO unstaking schedule

Section 2: Insurance Capital

  1. Historical TVL across all pools
  2. Total insurance capacity across all pools
  3. Total reinsurance capacity across all pools
  4. Total insurance sold vs premiums collected
  5. Current insurance sold vs idle capacity
  6. Total capital in all SSIP/SSRP and individual SSIP/SSRP pools
  7. Total number of depositors in SSIP/SSRP and individual SSIP/SSRP pools
  8. Insurance capacity of SSIP/SSRP and individual SSIP/SSRP pools
  9. Average leverage of SSIP/SSRP and individual SSIP/SSRP pools

Section 3: Sales & BD Statistics

  1. Cumulative insurance policies sold
  2. Active insurance policies
  3. Number of insurance policies pending activation
  4. Uno WatchDog related metrics:
  5. Number of clients with active insured audits
  6. Number of clients pending insured audits
  7. Revenue collected vs Revenue invoiced
  8. Auditor payouts
  9. insurance capacity utilized for insured audits only

UNO Watch Affiliates:

  1. Number of affiliates
  2. Leader board of top 5 affiliates (name, number of sales, commission given for sales)

Conclusion and next steps:

The unmarshall dashboard is a bit dated and does not illustrate full activity of UnoRe such as insured audit sales, utilization metrics, capacity metrics etc. By building a Dune Dashboard, we can effectively communicate our activities transparently with the UnoRe DAO in a Web3 native manner. This community development proposal will be posted on the forums page to get feedback from the community for improvements. Additional metrics may be added upon request.


Looking forward to the Dune Dashboard. With this, there would definitely be more transparency and also info for newer investors to do their own DD. Great work team!

Btw is there any expected timeline when the Dune Dashboard would be ready? Thanks.


For all the Dune wizards, sharing some notes below and contract addresses which will help with some of the metrics listed above:

  • Total available capital: We need to fetch the total staked amount by summing up the value of tokens locked in various SSIPs, SSRP, and V1 pools in USD using CoinGeko API
Selene(SSIP-ETH) (ETH network) - 0x1342b3dAec4f54F5Af01Aaa34839626f959B362a

Ares(SSIP-UNO) (ETH network) - 0x82E107d2b1Be4347b55FBba4a6fB99669dF3ceb1

SSRP UNO (ETH network) - 0x87e1f628225c170a5C0Bf895580686430DEb3322

Zeus Staking Pool (BSC network) 0xEcE9f1A3e8bb72b94c4eE072D227b9c9ba4cd750

Athena Staking Pool (BSC network) 0x0b5C802ecA88161B5daed08e488C83d819a0cD02

Artemis Staking Pool (BSC network) 0x2cd32dF1C436f8dE6e09d1A9851945c56bcEd32a
  • Total Coverage Sold: Along with the current calculation add a static value of total Coverage Sold worth 3,500,000 USD (this has been sold on the BSC side across 3 protocols … this data was not recorded onchain)

  • Active Coverage Amount: total coverage sold (above value) - expired coverage

You can get the total expired cover amount by taking the sum of cover amount of expired policies by going through events of the following types (use only one of them):

CapitalAgent’s LogUpdatePolicyExpired event - 0x0bCed28f17a0c8CB66c07dD1a4ccfb2ef3159c05

Or SalesPolicy’s LogUpdatePolicyExpired event - 0xdD2715Ec8C6D96E3064063842C47413782C4F66b
  • Total Premiums Collected: Calculate the sum of total premium amounts of both v1 and v2 contracts in various events of the following type:
(V2 ETH chain) Premium Pool Contract’s LogCollectPremium event - 0xdB4B701f1a4653BFD5F0f4EFF1913aEAF5E21E68

(V1 BSC chain) PremiumPool Contract’s PremiumDeposited event -

  • Total Number of expired policies: Calculate the number of events captured of the following type (use only one of them):
CapitalAgent’s LogUpdatePolicyExpired event - 0x0bCed28f17a0c8CB66c07dD1a4ccfb2ef3159c05

Or SalesPolicy’s LogUpdatePolicyExpired event - 0xdD2715Ec8C6D96E3064063842C47413782C4F66b
  • Total Expired Policy amount: Take the sum of cover amount of expired policies by going through events of the following types (use only one of them):
CapitalAgent’s LogUpdatePolicyExpired event - 0x0bCed28f17a0c8CB66c07dD1a4ccfb2ef3159c05

Or SalesPolicy’s LogUpdatePolicyExpired event - 0xdD2715Ec8C6D96E3064063842C47413782C4F66b

Can’t Wait! Amazing project waits ahead!


Additional Contract links:


Hello Uno team!

I work with a Blockchain Analytics company in Slice Analytics, we provide custom analytics on platforms such as Dune to protocols/companies in the space. We’d love to help the Uno team with this dashboard and after reviewing scope we’re fully confident we can complete it with no issues. Here are a few of our qualifications:

If you and the team would like to discuss further, please feel free to reach out via twitter, telegram, or email.

Twitter: @SliceAnalytics
Telegram: @kingMgugga
E-mail: [email protected]


Hello everyone, jh here!

I would love to build a Dune dashboard for the UnoRe community!

There is a limitation of links i can share, hence here is my profile:

Recent partnership works include:
JustBet/WINR protocol
unshETH (LSDfi)

Also see that there is an ongoing vote with MAHADao partnership, do also take a look at the dashboards[revenue / staking governance / arth-eth stats] ( ) which ive created for them previously!

To discuss further, i can be reached at :
jh#4856 (Discord)
@jh_onchain (Telegram)


Niceeee! I can’t Really wait

1 Like

Gm @VithuranK

My name is Carson, I’ve been doing onchain analytics for the last 1.5 years. You can see my profile here:

I’ve worked with the onchain game Crypto Unicrosn, and I’ve performed lots of other bounties for individuals and onchain projects.

I can do the Tokenomics section as a sample of my work if you’re interested.

Feel free to reach out to me on Telegram @cbrown67 if you have any questions


My Dune profile
Projects worked with: Forta,Hopr,Zkasino, Sarcophagus
Collab: @officer_cia

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Hi Unore community!

We are the Sixdegree team and are very excited about the opportunity to build a Dune Dashboard to communicate the protocol activities.

We are one of the most experience Dune Wizard team with 100+ dune dashboards and have worked with 20+ protocols including Lens, Gnosis, ParaSwap, Yearn among others

We also have a community of 1,000+ chinese wizards and recently got a Ethereum Foundation grant for our work for account abstraction.

We also have a great network to distribute our dashboard via local Chinese crypto communities.

More information:

        * Our latest case study with Gnosis for their airdrop:
        * A recent dashboard similar to Unore request:
        * Our website:

We would love to talk with your team.

Please either email us at [email protected] or by telegram: oxgummy

Thank you very much for reading our message :slight_smile:

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Hi Uno community,

Niceface here. Super excited to be here. Having gone through your requirements, completing your requirements looks exciting for me having done similar projects with over 1.2 yrs.

Check out my dune profile here:

I have done for:

  1. sarcophagus:

Plus ; CityDAO, Ricochet Exchange, etc. Since I am limited to link to post, check my profile.

I am confident your dashboard will be ready in 10 days if I lead this creation.

I look forward to working you.

Thank you

P.S. Discord ID: @niceface_nicework

1 Like

Hi team,

I will like to build the dashboard for the community.

My Dune profile is:

My Flipside profile is:

You could reach out to me on twitter: @__LeMac

Also, you can reach out to me on Discord: __LeMac#5096

Looking forward to your reply.

Kind Regards.

1 Like

Dear UnoRe Team,

I am delighted to submit my proposal for the position of Cryptocurrency Data Analyst. With my extensive knowledge and experience in data analysis, combined with a deep understanding of cryptocurrency markets, I believe that I am the perfect candidate for this role.

As a skilled data analyst, I have worked with various datasets, including financial, economic, and social media data. I have also developed proficiency in using tools like Excel, Python, and SQL to analyze, manipulate, and visualize large datasets. Moreover, I have an excellent track record of providing accurate insights and recommendations to stakeholders based on my analyses.

In addition to my data analysis skills, I possess a deep understanding of cryptocurrency markets. I have closely followed the evolution of blockchain technology and have a good grasp of the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others. This knowledge has enabled me to conduct thorough analyses of cryptocurrency market trends and make informed predictions about future developments.

My proposed approach to analyzing cryptocurrency data would involve first collecting and cleaning the relevant datasets. Next, I would use statistical methods to identify patterns and trends in the data. Finally, I would generate reports and visualizations that communicate the insights gained from the analysis.

Overall, I am confident that my skillset, experience, and passion for the cryptocurrency space make me a strong candidate for this role. Thank you for considering my proposal, and I look forward to discussing my qualifications further in an interview.

My Dune profile:
My Flipsidecrypto profile: amir007-Q63RX1 | Flipside
Collab with projects: Gyro Protocol, Zecrey Protocol, CyberConnect, Uniswap Analyzers, OpenLeverage
One of my dashboards in Dune Digest #51
Twitter: @amir007_eth
Discord: amir007#3941
Telegram: @Amir_Mohseni



Well, as it going at the moment blockchain will be great

Cool stuff here. I look forward to Dune Dashboard.

An Amazing proposal it is indeed, read through the features which the Dune Dashboard would contain and i’m thrilled for what is to come.

1 Like

Gm gm

We are from impossible data team and we also help protocol to build dashboard

Check out our aggregate insurance dash! Defi Needs Insurance | ahkek76 | Flipside