Is it possible to apply for another CEX listing as we are heading into territory where this really can make the difference for UNO.
Is it possible to apply for another CEX listing as we are heading into territory where this really can make the difference for UNO.
Hi there,
Which one would you suggest?
Bear in mind that we don’t want to spread ourselves too thin, also new listings cost - for tier-A Cexes you’re looking at 6 figures.
All better then just what we have now brother. We are pre bullrun and it don’t look great at the moment for us as investors. Maybe its also an idea to start with some great marketing because with the sell presure it dont look like we get new holders onboard. And with the staking and unlocking of tokens we just get a floud of tokens on the market but no buyers…
MOST of Uno investors want to see this coin in another “A” CEX. But its ALSO true that the price to be there its expensive.
More CEX = More investors
Personally, I think that we must be in more top CEX, at any cost.
Is the difference to be top, or be a project.
BEST altcoins are in MOST of cex. Remember that.